GRATIA is the name of the new Medico-Social Center which opened its doors in the village of KLEME located in the canton of AFLAO-SAGBADO. The opening ceremony was held on Thursday 15 December in that center, in the presence of the representative of the Prefectural Health Director, the representative of the canton of AFLAO-SAGBADO, the […]
Distribution of livestock microcredit: some fifty beneficiaries in the prefectures of Avé and Vo
The Executive Director of CREDI handing over a kit of veterinary products to a beneficiary On January 19, 2016, CREDI’s partner breeders in the Avé and Vo prefectures engaged in the microcredit livestock project signed the livestock loans grant documents in the presence of the head of the CREDI branch. Vo M. MELESUSU Didier and […]
Promotion of reforestation in schools: pupils of the Primary School of Dzogbépimé initiated
On 5 and 8 April 2016, pupils from the Primary School of the village of Dzogbépimé in Avé prefecture were introduced to the techniques of setting up nursery, picketing and teak transplantation in their school in order to get them to acquire the aforementioned basic techniques. The prefecture of Avé (about 50km north-west of Lomé) […]
Integrated Disaster and Land Management: A Workshop for Environmental Professionals
Integrated Disaster and Land Management: A Workshop for Environmental Professionals As part of the implementation of the Integrated Disaster Management and Land Management (IWRM) project, a training workshop for civil society and government officials on Sustainable Land Management , Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change from 25 to 30 April 2016 at the […]
CREDI launches a new project: Microcredit breeding
The Center for Action Research for the Environment and Integrated Development (CREDI) launched on Wednesday 13 January 2016 in the large conference room of the Social Action Center of Vogan a new project called “microcredit livestock” of a duration of two years. The ceremony was opened by the welcome speech of the Executive Director of […]
Cooperatives meet for their Ordinary General Assemblies (AGO) in Avé Prefecture
In the first fortnight of March 2016, the cooperatives KEKELI and MAWUSSI respectively of the villages of Awatomé and Howuivé of the prefecture of Avé (south-west of Togo) organized their Ordinary General Assemblies (AGO ). The various cooperative officials and their respective members were present to take stock of the 2015 exercise and to plan […]
Reception of processing equipment by the Peasant Organization “SANS LE PAYSAN” (“WITHOUT THE PEASANT”)
On August 10, the Peasant Organization (PO) “SANS LE PAYSAN” received a set of processing equipment. The reception was preceded by training for its members on the management of social and community facilities. The objective was to induce the members of the PO to take ownership of the techniques of management of the socio-collective infrastructures […]
Training on Soil Regeneration with Legumes
Training on Soil Regeneration with Legumes